Functional Skills Courses

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AS Team June 7, 2024

English and maths proficiency are essential in today’s competitive job market, and obtaining a Functional Skills certificate can help you achieve your objectives for career prospects, apprenticeships, or college applications. The functional skills courses offered by Pass Functional Skills, a company that offers you a variety of resources to help you succeed academically, are supported by A Star Equivalency. 


Understanding Functional Skills

Functional skills are the practical English and maths skills that businesses and educational institutions deem significant. Obtaining these credentials indicates competence in fundamental skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication—skills that are vital for success both in school and in the workplace.


Advantages of Online Functional Skills Courses

Flexibility and convenience are provided by online functional skills classes, which also assist you in identifying your areas of weakness and tracking your progress. With the courses offered by Pass Functional Skills, busy students may progress at their own speed and have their schedules adjusted. 


Courses Offered by Pass Functional Skills

Comprehensive English and maths courses are available from Pass Functional Skills, giving you the credentials you need for your upcoming career move. Practice questions, revision aids and practice exams are included in every lesson. In order to assist you select the most appropriate level and subjects, it is encouraged that you take preliminary assessments and subject knowledge exams prior to beginning the course.


The topics are organised in accordance with government requirements to guarantee that each concept is well grasped. They include video lectures, practice problems, and topic tests.


Functional Skills Equivalents

A GCSE in maths and English, or its equivalent, is frequently required for employment, apprenticeships or university studies. While GCSE examinations are offered, functional skills certificates offer a more efficient path. In GCSEs, a level 2 functional skills certificate is equivalent to a C/4. All year long, Pass Functional Skills provides simple online tests as an alternative to customary in-person exams.



Courses in functional skills are a flexible choice for people looking for other work or pursuing further education. Their nationally acknowledged credentials may lead to opportunities, and the courses offered by Pass Functional Skills can equip you with the skills you need to pass your exams and go forward with confidence.

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A Star Equivalency Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.