Trigonometry Revision

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AS Team January 31, 2022

Here at A Star Equivalency, we are proud to be part of a team that has developed high quality, flexible and comprehensive revision materials. One of the best things about these resources is that you can access them all from the comfort of your own home! You can revise with our resources at any time, which allows you to work around your day-to-day life. Even schools, teachers and students have recommended our Trigonometry Worksheets.


By using the following link, you can access our Trigonometry learning resources. For a better viewing experience, we recommended using a laptop or desktop when using the resource. If you use your phone or tablet – to ensure the information is clear, landscape mode is ideal.


Trigonometry is an area of mathematics that looks at the study of triangles. Many schools teach this subject using SOH, COH, TOA and formula triangles. Our revision materials aim to expand on this to develop students skills and Maths comprehension. If you are looking for something to help you track your progress, the Trigonometry Worksheets are the perfect solution. With the worksheets, you can put your learning to practice and identify your strongest and weakest areas. The Trigonometry Question is another effective revision tool, as you can use them to memorise and adapt to the different Trigonometry concepts. To ensure that you are making the most of your Trigonometry Revision, we recommended creating a structured schedule to follow. Having a schedule is an effective way to keep track of your revision and help you meet your goals. 


We aim to assist students of all ages with their learning. By providing them with the best resources available, we hope to ease the stress of revision and exams. Additionally, our online Maths sessions have been carefully structured to be as effective and valuable as in-person tutoring. To book a private tutor, contact A Star Equilvency today!


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A Star Equivalency Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.