Functional Skills English

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AS Team May 10, 2023

We at A Star Equivalency are dedicated to helping individuals of all ages, abilities and backgrounds attain their Functional Skills English qualifications. These practical language skills are essential for enhancing employment prospects, gaining admission to universities, and participating in apprenticeship training programs, particularly if one does not hold a GCSE English grade C or higher.


Various awarding bodies in the UK such as City and Guilds, Pearson Edexcel, and open awards offer Functional Skills English qualifications, which are designed to provide learners with practical language skills that are useful in real-life situations. 


Functional Skills English covers essential aspects of the English Language, such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. These qualifications are available at different levels, ranging from Entry Level 1 to Level 2, and are suitable for learners from diverse age groups and backgrounds. In recent years, they have gained popularity over traditional English Language qualifications, such as GCSEs.


The assessments for Functional Skills English are crafted to be practical and relevant to real-world scenarios. Learners may be assigned tasks such as completing a job application form, composing a letter of complaint, or giving a presentation on a topic of their choosing. Although computer based testing is widely used, paper based assessments are also available as an alternative option.


Functional Skills English qualifications are highly valued by employers and educational institutions. They serve as evidence that learners have practical English language skills, which are crucial for success in the workplace and further studies. Additionally, these qualifications are recognised as valuable for those looking to improve their English Language skills for personal or professional reasons. 


If you need assistance in obtaining a Functional Skills English Level 1 or Level 2 certification, don’t hesitate to contact A Star Equivalency. We are ready to provide you with the necessary help and support


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A Star Equivalency Team

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