Functional Skills Course

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AS Team May 4, 2023

A Star Equivalency offers tailored support to learners with diverse skill levels, including adult learners, with the primary goal of helping them enrol in their desired functional skills program. To accomplish this, we assess the unique needs of each student and develop an individualised study plan that accommodates their busy schedule, including responsibilities like work or childcare. We also offer an accelerated learning path for those who require it, allowing them to complete their coursework and exams within a few weeks, which is particularly beneficial for meeting time-sensitive deadlines related to employment or university applications.


Functional Skills courses cater to those who did not obtain GCSE qualifications during their school years or wish to enhance their skill set to meet the requirements of their profession. These courses are available at various proficiency levels, ranging from entry level to level 2, and can be completed via different modes, including virtual platforms. The popularity of online learning has surged due to its convenience and ability to provide speedy outcomes.


Functional skills courses often incorporate a combination of in-person classroom instruction, practical exercises, and evaluations. However, many learners may find attending college on a regular basis to be impractical. Consequently, the online alternative has become a more attractive option. These courses cover a diverse range of topics, including written communication skills in English and the use of percentages in mathematics. In addition to preparing individuals for level 2 qualifications, functional skills courses also promote the development of practical skills that can enhance career prospects.


A Star Equivalency aims to assist learners in locating the ideal functional skills course that meets their specific requirements. We also offer tuition services to supplement their learning throughout the course. Whether you are pursuing a functional skills program through a college or studying independently online, our team is available to provide support and guidance.

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A Star Equivalency Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.