What are functional skills?

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AS Team June 24, 2022

What are functional skills? 


Functional skills are GCSE equivalent exams that are used to increase employment chances and get into higher education. These qualifications are also needed to finish an apprenticeship. 


What are functional skills qualifications used for?


The most common Functional skills exams taken are Maths and English as these qualifications are needed for the majority of jobs and university courses. Typically, most people take this exam to further their status and progress their career. 


What are the functional skills grades and pass marks? 


The pass marks for these exams depend on the difficulty of the exam but they usually tend to vary between 50-60%. As long as you get this percentage or more you will earn the qualification. 


How do I register for a functional skills qualification?


To book an exam, you will need to contact an Ofqual regulated exam center like Pass Functional Skills. These companies will be able to register you onto an exam and offer you revision materials that you will need to be successful with your exams.


Here at Astarequivalency, we strive to ensure that we help our learners with their qualifications and make sure they are always informed on any news about their exam. If you are looking to do Functional Skills or need advice regarding the qualifications, get in touch today. 


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A Star Equivalency Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.