Free Functional Skills Maths and English Level 2 Courses
Here at Astarequivalency, we are here to make sure our students and learners are given all the chance at success with their studies. We offer functional skills exams and to grow the demand for this course we support students in finding free functional skills maths and English level 2 online courses. Unfortunately not everyone is entitled to a free course but it is always worth asking. The link below allows you to apply for the UK’s leading functional skills service.
Free Functional Skills Maths and English Level 2 Online Course
Once you have completed this short application, you will be granted access to the course. We’re always supporting learners through their functional skills level 2 course by helping them with their areas of weakness and exam technique. We always advise that you study for around 50 hours within a 2 month period to give yourself the best chance at passing the final exam. We recommend sitting this course away from college as they will stretch the course over the academic year which has resulted in lower pass rates as reported by the government. Shorter periods of more intensive learning will mean there is less requirement for extended periods of revision as the information will still be fresh in your mind.
Please get in touch today if you are interested in applying for a free functional skills maths and English level 2 online courses.We are always happy and committed to helping all of our learners and giving them the best advice.
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